Elphinstone Haulmax 3900 and SVA partnership exceeds expectations
Designed and manufactured in Tasmania, the Elphinstone Haulmax 3900 is a culmination of over 25 years of experience and research into extended mine haulage applications.
Designed to operate on cycles of approximately 50km, the narrow width design of the Haulmax 3900 allows it to work effectively on roads 15 metres in width. The low centre of gravity and dual rear axle configuration is ideal for extended distance hauls in soft and slippery conditions.
Haulmax 3900 customers are operators with extended distance haulage requirements outside the range of traditional haul trucks. Based on tyre performance indices, the Haulmax design maximises vehicle payloads over longer distances.
The Cat mechanical drive power train and power shift transmission provides unmatched operating efficiency and control on steep grades, in poor underfoot conditions and on haul roads with high rolling resistance.
Pairing the Caterpillar seven-speed planetary power shift transmission with the C27 diesel engine with ACERT Technology, delivers constant power over a wide range of operating speeds.
The lock-up torque converter combines maximum rimpull and cushioned shifting of torque converter drive with the efficiency and performance of direct drive. The lock-up torque converter engages at approximately 8 km/h (5 mph), delivering more power to the wheels.
Other value-add features include excellent traction and stability, operator comfort and safety, serviceability, reliability, and an assured increase in productivity.
These features and more contribute markedly to a reduction in Cost Per Tonne (CPT) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the customer.
Elphinstone’s focus has always been to deliver customers a total haulage solution based on their specific haul requirements. Hence the 3900 can be optioned with different truck bodies to account for a variety of material applications.
Elphinstone first collaborated with Support Vehicles Australia (SVA) service modules in 2012 to produce a Haulmax 3900 service truck for a valued customer in Western Australia. The unit has since exceeded 50,000 hours in operation and still going strong.
Such was the success of the collaboration; the customer has since purchased an additional eighteen units stationed at numerous sites throughout Australia.
SVA worked closely with Elphinstone to design and manufacture the FSM70 service module to integrate seamlessly with the existing Haulmax chassis. The unique SVA hydraulic drive system is isolated from the Haulmax’s hydraulic system.
The module design and manufacturing processes consider the actual working conditions of the mining applications the Haulmax 3900 service truck will be operating in.
An engineering analysis of the Haulmax chassis’ axle loadings throughout a range of grades ensures weight distribution is kept within the safe working limits specified by Elphinstone.
The selection of the highest quality manufacturing materials and components ensure SVA modules provide safety to the operator and longevity to both the module and the Haulmax 3900.
Elphinstone’s most recent Haulmax service truck order was the 30th truck fitted with an SVA service module, and the 61st Haulmax delivered within Australia.
Elphinstone has delivered over 114 Haulmax trucks via the global Caterpillar Dealer Network to customers in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Africa and South America. The numerous applications include a dump truck, service truck, water truck or tow tractor for a lowboy trailer.