WR810 Fuel & Lube

WR810 Fuel & Lube delivered to South America ready for training

An Elphinstone WR810 Fuel & Lube has been delivered to a valued customer in South America for commissioning and training by our Product Support Technicians. The WR810 Fuel & Lube truck provides a solution for an in-situ top-up of fuel and lubricants for underground mobile mining machines. The WR810 Fuel and Lube truck can be configured for servicing fleets of either Tier 3 or Tier 4F machines.

Haulmax 3900 Chassis

Haulmax 3900 Chassis for Service Module

Ready for shipment to a valued customer in Western Australia, the Elphinstone Haulmax 3900 chassis will be fitted with a Service Module. The versatile Haulmax 3900 can be configured as a dump truck, service truck, water truck or tow tractor for a lowboy trailer. With greater tyre and braking capacity, the Haulmax 3900 is designed for extended haul distances. Featuring a proven Caterpillar powertrain with a C27 engine, the Haulmax provides excellent performance, reliability and productivity for long life and a low Total Cost of Ownership. A spacious ROPS/FOPS certified cabin, ergonomic controls, air suspension seats, access stairs, platforms and ground-level service points all provide a comfortable and safe operating environment.

WR810 Water Cannon

WR810 Water Cannon joins the fleet of Elphinstone products

The dual application machine has an 8m telescopic boom with a high-pressure water cannon that is tele-remote operated to wash down valuable ore fines and blast material blockages plus rear and two side spray valves for use as a dust suppression water truck.

Other features include Caterpillar power train, all-wheel drive, oscillating hitch, heavy-duty axles, retarder for down haulage, spacious 3-seat climate-controlled ROPS cabin, automatic lubrication, fire suppression, mine water supply connection point, automatic boom pack up and many others.

Available through the worldwide Caterpillar Dealer Network. For more information visit: elphinstone.com/elphinstone-wr810-series

Elphinstone WR810 Agitator with 6m3 bowl

The latest addition to the Elphinstone fleet! Available through the worldwide Caterpillar Dealer Network. Caterpillar power train, all wheel drive, oscillating hitch, heavy duty axles, retardar for down haulage, spacious 3-seat climate controlled ROPS cabin and many other industry leading features.
For more information visit: elphinstone.com/elphinstone-wr810-series
WR810 Fuel and Lube

Elphinstone WR810 Fuel & Lube support vehicle

The latest addition to the Elphinstone fleet! Available through the worldwide Caterpillar Dealer Network. Caterpillar power train, all-wheel drive, oscillating hitch, spacious 3-seat climate-controlled ROPS cabin, 5000litre diesel tank, 4x300litre oil tanks, space for 2x 44gallon oil drums, 2x grease drums, air compressor, fire suppression system, bunded tray and many other features, this truck is designed for the insitu servicing and “top-up” of fluid levels of production equipment underground. For more information visit: elphinstone.com/elphinstone-wr810-series
UG20M Underground Motor Grader

Elphinstone UG20M Motor Grader on its way to Mongolia

We’re proud of our engineering and manufacturing team who have worked around the clock to produce our first fit for purpose UG20M Motor Grader. The grader was custom built to the clients specifications and started its journey to Mongolia late September 2018. A symphony of LED cabin lights and assorted cabin features exemplify Elphinstones commitment to operator comfort and safety.

Elphinstone WR820 Water Cannon

Elphinstone WR820 Underground Water Cannon integrated with RCT remote control

Elphinstone Pty Ltd is proud to be associated with RCT ControlMaster. This project was implemented by RCT’s bespoke department, RCT Custom, which was engaged to integrate a ControlMaster portable teleremote solution for the Elphinstone-manufactured WR820 Articulated Underground Water Truck.

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