Haulmax investment
The Elphinstone Group invested in Haulmax who manufactured an 80tonne capacity extended distance haul truck. The Haulmax business was relocated from Brisbane to Tasmania.
The Elphinstone Group invested in Haulmax who manufactured an 80tonne capacity extended distance haul truck. The Haulmax business was relocated from Brisbane to Tasmania.
The 1000th machine originally designed by Elphinstone was sold by Caterpillar.
Elphinstone Pty Ltd sells the remaining 50% share of the Joint Venture to Caterpillar Inc. which started the Caterpillar Hard Rock Vehicle (HRV) product range. At this time more than 700 machines had been manufactured and sold.
Establishment of Caterpillar Elphinstone Pty Ltd, a joint venture between Caterpillar Inc and Elphinstone Pty Ltd.
First R2900 LHD designed and developed. By the end of 1994 Elphinstone had delivered more than 200 LHDs, 100 of these were the R2800 model.
First R1700 LHD designed manufactured and delivered. The AD40 Dump Truck was designed and developed to compliment the larger LHDs.
First export sale to Henderson Mine in the USA by Elphinstone of a purpose design and built R2600 LHD.
Sale of first fully designed and manufactured, purpose built R1500 Load Haul Dump (LHD). Machine no.1 is still operational and has returned to Burnie to be part of Dale Elphinstone’s collection.
Sale of the first Elphinstone 80C underground loader modified from a Caterpillar 980C wheel loader.
Elphinstone manufactured and sold the very first purpose built underground mining trucks, the AD13 (13-tonne capacity) and AD17 (17-tonne capacity) articulated dump trucks.